From Seeds Come Sprouts...

It's only been a few months since our second Learning Lab with the Change Makers Kenya team and since then lots of amazing things have been taking root! First, our own Daniel Iberi has managed to quickly shift the focus of his University of Nairobi course on IEC to one on Human Rights-Based Approaches to Social Change...Go Daniel! He has also gotten support to create a two-week summer intensive that will replicate the Learning Lab 1 content, and will be open to anyone interested in attending, so that rights-based social change knowledge and skills can find a wider audience of next generation Change Makers!
In addition to the university based achievements, we have several alumni who have been kept busy co-facilitating Learn Lab-type events for a variety of sectors and geographical areas around Kenya. The ToT Model we brought to Kenya has shown that with a little water and nurturing environment, seeds can sprout quickly in Kenya! Stay tuned for updates...